November 27, 2008

I give thanks to...

- Benetint, for giving me truly natural-looking pink cheeks;
- the voters of this country for choosing change;
- my college sweatshirt from freshman year, for lasting eight years with nary a stain or tear;
- flip flops, for being so easy;
- Gossip Girl and The OC for giving me the guilty pleasure TV of which I was deprived as a teen;
- my employers, for keeping me around;
- my job, for keeping me financed well enough to travel like I did this year;
- my career in general, for giving me joy on a daily basis, and a paycheck on a biweekly basis;
- my friends B and B, for getting married in Charleston, therefore giving me an excuse to go back;
- Claude, who I met in the Tuilieries Garden, from whom I learned that "flirting" has quite a different meaning in French;
- everyone who got me birthday presents, especially J, who gave me Miss Dior Cherie;
- my friends T and J in Oxford, for letting me stay with them and taking me to 14th century pubs and Icebar London!
- my maroon, peep-toe, hidden-platform thick-strap mary janes for giving me endless compliments at work;
- my family, for its Irish/Italianness, which leads to plenty of drinking, eating and talking at every large family gathering;
- my friends who give me places to stay around the country (and world!), and who are always up for a visit;
- everyone who steps in and out of my life and makes a difference in it, from college mentors to the Salvation Army bell-ringers, and who remind me how lucky I am.
- people who don't call this holiday "Turkey Day."

Happy Thanksgiving!


~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Such an awesome post! I love you new header as well! Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!!

The Cape House said...

That's a great list. Ditto on the voters, friends, trashy TV, and mentors! Thanks for reminding me of some good ones!